
CHD Shipping stands as the foremost concierge service provider, catering to the diverse needs of both individuals and businesses throughout the Cayman Islands. With our extensive networks, intimate understanding of the locale, and seasoned expertise, we excel in achieving the seemingly impossible, granting you the luxury of time and equilibrium in your life. Envision a reality where all your personal and professional errands are seamlessly handled by a single entity – that’s precisely why we’re here! Consider us your ultimate destination for tasks beyond your reach, inclination, or schedule constraints.


Our Mission

At CHD Shipping, our guiding principle is straightforward: Service. We are dedicated to catering to your needs, consistently surpassing expectations. With a can-do spirit and unwavering professionalism, we take pride in our meticulous attention to detail, unwavering integrity, and unparalleled customer care, distinguishing us from the rest.